Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Paper escrito enquanto instrutor de ensino na EAESP/FGV, em 1959. Não se trata de trabalho de curso, mas jamais foi enviado para publicação.
Abstract. Despite the ideological and political conflicts that we see today, industrial societies hold a common ideology if we discuss the problem in a high level of abstraction. It could not be otherwise in so far as they share the same technology and the same Western cultural tradition. The more general common political objectives or values - the values of the individual - are well-being, security, freedom, and equality of opportunity. In a second level, as means the former, we have the political objectives of society: economic growth, democracy, national independency, equal opportunity to education, and a reasonably even income distribution. Ideological conflict will appear in discussing how to achieve these two level objectives, particularly the last one: how do reduce income inequality.