2024. Introduzindo uma nova teoria econômica e economia política.
2024. Introduzindo uma nova teoria econômica e economia política.
2021. An autobiography through revised interviews.
1981. A única diferença desta segunda edição em relação à primeira foi a retirada do ensaio "Notas Introdutórias ao Modo Tecnoburocrático ou Estatal de Produção" que foi para a A Sociedade Estatal e a Tecnoburocracia.
2015. A collection of essays my friend economists wrote when I completed 80 years.
2018. Para crescer o Brasil precisa de pequeno superávit em conta-corrente, juro e câmbio certos que deem indústria brasileira, nacional ou multinacional, condições iguais de competição com as empresas estrangeiras.
Nas livrarias e em kindle
2021. An encompassing analysis of Brazil's society, economy, and politics since the Independence. A national-dependent interpretation. (Book: Editora 34, updated 4th edition, 2021). Nas livrarias e Em kindle.
2016. With José Luis Oreiro e Nelson Marconi. Our more complete analysis of Developmental Macroeconomics - the central economic theory within New Developmentalism. (book) Nas livrarias e em kindle
2003. The patterns of economic development and the political pacts in Brazil from Vargas (1930) to Lula (2003). 5th revised edition almost doubling the size of the book. (Book: Editora 34). Nas livrarias.
1968. Economic, social and political development between 1930 and 1960s'. New historical facts turn inviable Vargas' national-developmentalist political pact. Sold out. (Book: This first edition is available in PDF format)
2009. Why some middle income countries catch up while others do not. Behind new developmentalism this book drafts a structuralist development macroeconomics in which the exchange rate plays a strategic role. (Book: Elsevier).Disponível nas livrarias
2008. The Public Bureaucracy in the Construction of Brazil (in Portuguese) To be published this book should be actualized with the 1995 Managerial Reform and its implementation. I should find a co-author to do that. (Book available in my website in PDF).
2007. An encompassing analysis of the Brazilian macroeconomic system. A first presentation of the developmental macroeconomics. Why Brazil failed to grow fast after the Real Plan. (Book: Editora 34) Out of print; availble in this site. English version available: Developing Brazil (2009).
2009. Este livro discute, do ponto de vista histórico, a construção de um "Estado republicano", ou seja, um Estado forte e capaz, dotado de legitimidade democrática e de eficiência administrativa, e apto a se defender contra indivíduos e grupos poderosos que buscam capturá-lo ou privatizá-lo. Em inglês . Impresso sob demanda e em kindle
2003. With Fernando C. Prestes Motta. Second edition of a 1980 book on administration theory and theory of organizations. ( Book: Editora Thomson). Nas livrarias.
1998 A theory for public management reform, and a systematic account of the 1995-98 Brazilian Public Management Reform. Spanish version available (book: Editora 34). Nas livrarias.
1997. Third edition. An introductory book and also a personal essay on the Brazilian economy. (Editora 34) Nas livrarias
1996. The crisis of the state interpretation. Economic and political analysis of the crisis starting in 1980 in Latin America. English and French versions availalble. (Book: Editora 34) Nas livrarias