2016. La globalisation, le capitalisme des rentiers et de financiers, et l'idéologie néolibérale ont été dominantes entre 1979 et 2008. Ces ont été les Années Néolibéraux du Capitalisme. Mais ce temps là est fini.
2016. La globalisation, le capitalisme des rentiers et de financiers, et l'idéologie néolibérale ont été dominantes entre 1979 et 2008. Ces ont été les Années Néolibéraux du Capitalisme. Mais ce temps là est fini.
2016. Avec Eric Berr. A brief article relating New Developmentalism and economic growth. In French, in edited book.
2013. Le chemin vers la démocratie passe par la révolution nationale et industrielle de chaque pays. Portuguese version available
2012, com Daniela Theuer. After the failure of neoliberal reforms the developmental state is again being built in Latin America. Yet the task is extremely.difficult, particularly in the poorer countries. (Paper: Recherches Internationales). English and improved version available.
2012. Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, ancien ministre des finances du Brésil, suggère de revenir aux monnaies nationales pour mieux reconstruire ensuite à long terme la monnaie unique (Interview: Le Monde).
2009. Why some middle income countries catch up while others do not. Behind new developmentalism this book drafts a structuralist development macroeconomics in which the exchange rate plays a strategic role. (Book: Éditions La Découverte) In the bookstores.
2010. The Brazilian public bureaucracy as well as the industrial bourgeoisie are out of the dominant political coalition since late 1980s. Yet, as it is engaged in the 1995 Managerial Reform (Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée).
2009. Over-exploitation as well as associated dependency interpretations denied the possibity of national bourgeoisies in the region and contributed to weakening Latin American nations. Only a third version of dependency - the national-dependent interpretation - escaped this fate. English and Portuguese versions available. (Paper: Revue Tiers Monde).
2007. Paper comparing three growth strategies: old or national-developmentalism, new developmentalism, and Washington conventional orthodoxy - actually a form of neutralizing the catching up of medium income countries. English, Spanish, and Portuguese versions available. (Paper: Passages de Paris).
2007. Syllabus. Graduate course on globalization, nation and development in Latin America, at the École d Hautes Études en Science Sociales: Paris, 24 January - 14 February.
2005.6. The 'no' was as much a reaction of the French and the Dutch to excessive enlargement of Europe as a victory of Britain and US that support such enlargement to make EU weaker. (Published just here)
2005. Graduate course on the nation state, the global system and growth, at the École d'Hautes Études en Science Sociales: Paris, January 26 - February 16. (Syllabus)
2004. The growth cum foreign savings strategy and the consequent exchange rate evaluation is the basic cause behind Cardoso administration's poor economic performance. Translation of "O Segundo Consenso de Washington e a Quase-estagnação do Brasil". (Paper: Problèmes d'Amérique Latine)*
2002. Economic and political analysis of the fiscal crisis of the state from 1980 to 1995 in Brazil. Includes a critical introduction. Portuguese and English versions available. (Book: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme) In bookstores
2001. The new State will be social, liberal, and democratic the new management more accountable, more political, and republican. English and Portuguese versions available. (The 2001 John L. Manion Lecture. Ottawa).
1994. Since 1980 Latin American faced a debt crisis and a crisis of the state, which was also a crisis of the developmentalist interpretation. Now, two competing interpretations are present: the neoliberal Washington Consensus and the fiscal crisis of the state approach. Available in English and Portuguese. (Paper: Cahiers des Amériques Latines)*
1993. A new political pact of the Brazilian elites around the idea of national development is a condition for political legitimacy and economic growth. Portuguese and English versions available.(Paper: Problèmes d Amérique Latine)*
1991. A Europa e o Japão está basicamente fechados para o Brasil; não nos resta outra alternativa senão substituir a integração latino-americana pela estratégia e a retórica da integração americana.
1991. An early critique of the Washington consensus. A systematic analysis of the Latin American crisis as a foreign debt and a fiscal crisis of the state crisis. Portuguese, English and Spanish versions available. (Paper: Problèmes dAmerique Latine).
1991. With Yoshiaki Nakano. This paper predicts the failure of the Collor Plan for failing to neutralize inertia, in a moment conventional orthodoxy was sure that it would be successful. English and Portuguese versions available. (Paper: Revue Tiers Monde)