26.11.2016. Fidel Castro was the great leader of the only socialist revolution in Latin America, but instead of socialism Cuba changed into an authoritarian but egalitarian statism.
26.11.2016. Fidel Castro was the great leader of the only socialist revolution in Latin America, but instead of socialism Cuba changed into an authoritarian but egalitarian statism.
2014. Technobureaucratic or professionals' capitalism are adequate names to identify today's capitalism. It is a mixed social formation, where two relations of production - capital and organization - are present. (Paper: Tempo Social)
2011. The 1959 Cuban Revolution was a nationalist and a socialist revolution. In both cases it was only partially successful. (Article: Estudos Avançados).
2010. On the opportunity of the 100 years of the Soviet Revolution, I include in the first page of this site this paper. In argues that the socialist revolution turned first statist, and, second, capitalist. (Paper: Revista USP).
1990. The rise of technobureaucracy or the professional middle class: in capitalism, sharing power with the bourgeoisie in the Soviet Union and other comand economies, as the ruling class. It is revised translation of A Sociedade Estatal e a Tecnoburocracia (1981) with the adition of the paper "Social Classes and Strata in Contemporary Capitalism) Em formato pdf e e-book.
1981. The rise of technobureaucracy or the professional middle class. In capitalism, sharing power with the bourgeoisie in Soviet Union and other comand economies, as the ruling class. Collected papers. (Book: Editora Brasiliense) Esgotado.
1979. A comparison between relatively socialist China and technobureaucratic URSS after a visit to these two countries. (Paper: Cadernos de Opinião)
1977 [1980]. To the emergence of the new middle class - the technobureaucratic or professional middle class - corresponds a new relation of production, the organization, and a new mode of production: the technobureaucratic or state mode of production. Portuguese version available.(Paper: LHomme et Société)
1977. o the emergence of the new middle class - the technobureaucratic or professional middle class - corresponds a new relation of production, the organization, and a new mode of production: the technobureaucratic or state mode of production. French version available. (Paper: Estudos CEBRAP)