2024. National populism is a reaction against the failure of the neoliberal orthodoxy in causing instability and growth. Now we see a change to developmentalism in the US, which may stop right-wing populism. (Insight Inteligencia)
2024. National populism is a reaction against the failure of the neoliberal orthodoxy in causing instability and growth. Now we see a change to developmentalism in the US, which may stop right-wing populism. (Insight Inteligencia)
2020. In rich countries, the authoritarian character of right-wing populism does not mean that democracy is dying. It is a reaction to neoliberalism which in the last 40 years didn't improve the sort of the white lower middle-class. (Lua Nova-Revista de Cultura Política) English version available.
2020. In rich countries, the authoritarian character of right-wing populism does not mean that democracy is dying. It is a reaction to neoliberalism which in the last 40 years didn't improve the sort of the white lower middle-class. Portuguese version available.
2017. An encompassing analysis of Brazil's society, economy, and politics since the Independence. A national-dependent interpretation. In the bookstores and in kindle
2021. An encompassing analysis of Brazil's society, economy, and politics since the Independence. A national-dependent interpretation. (Book: Editora 34, updated 4th edition, 2021). Nas livrarias e Em kindle.
2015. From the Real Plan the Brazilian economy is caught in a trap of high interests rates and overvalued currency, but the fiscal and especially the exchange rate populism on the right and on the left impede the solution of the problem. (Lecture)
2013. Argentina mostra como o desenvolvimentismo corre o risco de derivar para o populismo fiscal e cambial. (Articles: Folha de S.Paulo)
2013. The Argentinian case shows how an initially competent developmentalism may later drift to fiscal and exchange rate populism (Articles: Folha de S. Paulo)
Adolfo Canitrot ([1975] 1991) in Bresser-Pereira, org. Populismo Econômico. São Paulo: Editora Nobel. pp. 11-36
2010. The Lula administration is an example of exchange rate populism. Interview to Laura García for Cronista.com de Buenos Aires.
2010. The Brazilian economy is undergoing deindustrialization due to a chronic overvaluation of the real. The structural development macroeconomics that I have been developing since the early 2000s explains why. (Cadernos FGV Projetos)
2006. FHC and Lula incurred in exchange rate populism (populismo cambial). (Interview: O Estado de S.Paulo)
2005. The balance of payment crises in developing countries (originated in the strategy of growth with foreign savings) and the enormous US current account deficit are both the outcome of economic populism. The later problem points out to a hard landing. English version available.(Paper: Estudos Econômicos) .
2004. Getúlio Vargas was populist in political but not in economic terms. He was Brazils major statesman in the 20th century. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2002. Presidential elections demonstrated that democracy is consolidated, in transition from an elites to a public opinions democracy. (Note: Not published)
2001. There are some consensus and some strategic decisions to be taken in Latin America, after the crisis of structuralism, and of orthodox reforms. English version available.(Paper: Revista de Economia Política) *
2001. There are some consensus and some strategic decisions to be taken in Latin America, after the crisis of structuralism, and of orthodox reforms. Portuguese version available. (Paper presented in conference at Oxford University; not published; available only in this site)
1993. Economic heterodoxy should not be confused with economic populism. The Bresser-Plan was both heterodox and orthodox. (Conjuntura Econômica")
1991. Ortodoxy, economic popullsm and developmentalism in Latin America. The articles by Canitrot, O'Donnell, and Diaz-Alejandro are classical texts. PDF version now available. (Edited book)
1991. With Fernando Dall'Acqua. Contrarily to what economic populists say, Keynes only admited budget deficits in special situations, as a temporary depart from fiscal balance.
Portuguese version available.(Paper: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)