Juliana Sayuri (2019) Enquanto uma ala defende méritos do líder soviético, outra vê a negação de seus crimes como terraplanismo.
Juliana Sayuri (2019) Enquanto uma ala defende méritos do líder soviético, outra vê a negação de seus crimes como terraplanismo.
Paulo Feldmann (2019) Envolvimento de grandes corporações com causas sociais e ambientais, que ganhou vulto nos EUA há quase 30 anos, tornou-se em muitos casos mera estratégia de marketing para encobrir irregularidades, como ilustram exemplos recentes.
2014. if economics and economic policies are so complex that public managers and politicians would be unable to have a say on the matter, what democracy do we have?
2008. The Public Bureaucracy in the Construction of Brazil (in Portuguese) To be published this book should be actualized with the 1995 Managerial Reform and its implementation. I should find a co-author to do that. (Book available in my website in PDF).
2007. The Brazilian state bureaucracy was part of the ruling class in association with the industrial bourgeoisie between the 1930s and the 1980s. English version available. (Paper: Revista de Sociologia e Política (Univ.Paraná).
2007, 2o. semestre. Com Ana Cristina Braga Martes. Disciplina eletiva do Curso de Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração Pública e Governo.
2007. The Brazilian public bureaucracy as well as the industrial bourgeoisie are out of the dominant political coalition since late 1980s. Yet, as it is engaged in the 1995 Managerial Reform, it is committed with a project.(Paper Revista do Serviço Público). French version available.
1997. The author defines four "gramatics" relating society and the state in Brazil: clientelism, corporatism, bureaucratic insulation and procedural universalism. I update this analysis considering the 1985 transition to democracy (Preface to book by Edson de Oliveira Nunes)
1995. The public bureaucracy has a major role in every society. A managerial reform of the state can only be in its favor, not against it. (Article: Correio Brasiliense)
1994 - Preface to the Brazilian edition of book by Ben Ross Schneider.