This paper searches to summarize this historical process in Europe, the rise of the city-states, the absolute monarchies, and eventually the formation of the nation-state and the industrial revolution. (Paper)
This paper searches to summarize this historical process in Europe, the rise of the city-states, the absolute monarchies, and eventually the formation of the nation-state and the industrial revolution. (Paper)
2018. Developmentalism is the twin brother of economic nationalism, as it is the ideology of development geared toward industrialization that assumes a moderate state intervention in the economy and the defense of national interest in a world in which competition between nations is stronger than cooperation. (Paper in Economia e Sociedade; English version also in this site).
2018. An encompassing paper on economic nationalism, its relation to developmentalism. Why it is a condition of growth in a world where nation-states rather compete than cooperate. (Paper in t, Turkish journal. Portuguese version also in this site)
2017. This paper defines the state as the law system and the organization that guarantees and the nation-state as the political society formed by a nation, a state and a territory. Second, it discusses the forms of informal political intermediation between the state and society. (Revista Lua Nova)
2017. The Brexit, Donald Trump's election and the rise of the extreme right express the political crisis of globalization. National solidarity, first, and social-democracy, later on, have mitigated Capitalist exploitation. The demise of these two institutions led global capitalism to the present political crisis. (Paper: Novos Estudos) Version in English.
2016. National solidarity, first, and social-democracy, later on, have mitigated Capitalist exploitation. The demise of these two institutions led global capitalism to the present political crisis. (essay)
2016. Long interview of Bresser-Pereira to Alvaro Comin e Paulo Todescan Mattos for Plural, journal from USP's graduate program in sociology.
1968. Economic, social and political development between 1930 and 1960s'. New historical facts turn inviable Vargas' national-developmentalist political pact. Sold out. (Book: This first edition is available in PDF format)
The two logics of the West: "national security" and occupation of the domestic markets of developing countries. A survey of L.A. Moniz Bandeira's book. A segunda guerra fria. (Estudos Avançados)
2014. Prefácio de A Desilusão Americana>, de Luiz Eça.
2013. To develop the latecomer countries had to be nationalist and developmental because they faced the imperialism of the first countries that industrialized and became powerful. (Introduction to O Que Esperar do Brasil?)
2013. Palestra no seminário "Desafios atuais do desenvolvimento brasileiro" (Slide presentation).
2007. Vargas was the statesman that led Brazils national and industrial revolution. Although an authoritarian politician, he created the conditions for consolidated democracy. (Paper: tin book edited by Dutra Fonseca Zahluth Bastos)
2011. The 1959 Cuban Revolution was a nationalist and a socialist revolution. In both cases it was only partially successful. (Article: Estudos Avançados).
2011. In the case of economics the Qualis system of evaluation of academic journals of CAPES is a model of cultural colonialism. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2011. Latecomers - the countries that didn't made their Capitalist Revolution in the 18th or the 19th century need nationalist revolutions to fight imperialism and make their own national and industrial revolution. (Paper being worked)
2011. Long interview on Bresser-Pereiras history and work, where he reafirms his economic nationalism and his social-democratic or center-to-the-left political allegiancies. (Interview of Maria Ines Nassif in Valor, 8/4/2011).
2011. The Arab peoples finally revolt. Pre-industrial countries, they fight for democracy and economic opportunity in countries dominanted by the "Ocident" - a classical eupheminism for the industrial empires the dominated the Near Orient since the 19th century. (Política Democrática)
2009. The immigrants have no alternative but to fight in order to see their right to multiculturalism respected in the new country. (Article: Folha de S. Paulo).
2009. Aos imigrantes não resta alternativa senão lutar para que o país respeite seu direito ao multiculturalismo (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).