2024. Human progress depends on republican citizens and a republican state. (Chapter of book)
2024. Human progress depends on republican citizens and a republican state. (Chapter of book)
2009. Direitos republicanos são o direito que todos os cidadãos têm que leis autorizando a captura do patrimônio público tenham efeito (capítulo de livro).
2019. Survey of book by Yascha Mounk. Liberal democracy is in crisis. It could not be otherwise because neoliberals see it as the ideal form of society. (Article in Quatro Cinco Um-Revista dos Livros)
2014. The Republic is us; it is the Brazilian nation and State; it is the necessary solidarity between all men; it is the hope of a world State. (Articles: Folha de S.Paulo)
2014. Novo desenvolvimentismo social é a melhor estratégia para alcançar a República, que é o objetivo de todos. (Articles: Folha de S.Paulo)
2004.The book opens with a trenchant examination of the historical stages that led to the modern state. In order to understand such stages, the author develops a theory of republican rights linked closely to other rights such as civil, political, and social rights. Bresser-Pereira goes on to formulate a normative model of public management reform, which incorporates the roles of the state, forms of ownership, types of public administration, and organization institutions. Available in Kindle format and hard cover
Marcus André Melo (2004) "Republicanism, citizenship and (new?) rights?". Survey of "Citizenship and res publica: the emergence of republican rights". Paper in the Festricht of Bresser-Pereira, Em Busca do Novo. (Paper in edited book)
2009. Este livro discute, do ponto de vista histórico, a construção de um "Estado republicano", ou seja, um Estado forte e capaz, dotado de legitimidade democrática e de eficiência administrativa, e apto a se defender contra indivíduos e grupos poderosos que buscam capturá-lo ou privatizá-lo. Em inglês . Impresso sob demanda e em kindle
1997. After the civil, the political and the social rights, republican rights are emerging or being enforced. The republican rights are the rights that every citizens has that the public patrimony is not captured by private interests. English version and Spanish version available. (Paper in Revista de Filosofia Política).*
2001. After the civil, the political and the social rights, republican rights are emerging or being enforced. The republican rights are the rights that every citizens has that the public patrimony is not captured by private interests. Portuguese version and English version available. (Paper in Instituciones y Desarrollo).*
2002. After the civil, the political and the social rights, republican rights are emerging or being enforced. The republican rights are the rights that every citizens has that the public patrimony is not captured by private interests. Portuguese version and Spanish version available. (Paper Citizenship Studies) *
1999. A theory for public management reform, and a systematic account of the 1995-98 Brazilian Public Management Reform. Portuguese version available. (Buenos Aires: Editora Eudeba, 1999). Available here in pdf format.
1998 A theory for public management reform, and a systematic account of the 1995-98 Brazilian Public Management Reform. Spanish version available (book: Editora 34). Nas livrarias.
1997. The new state that is emeging out crisis of the welfare and developmental state will have to be able to protect citizens rights. Managerial public administration plays a major role in this direction. Portuguese version available. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política)
1997. The new state that is emeging out crisis of the welfare and developmental state will have to be able to protect citizens rights. Managerial public administration plays a major role in this direction. Portuguese version available.(Paper Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)*
1996. In late twentieth century we are facing neoliberalism, but, as a trade-off, republican right are been acknowledged and democracy is a source of morality and social justice. (Lecture at UNESCO conference).