2021. Around 1980 China made the right choice of economic policy regime (developmentalism) and the US, the wrong choice. This is one of the reasons for the US losing gradually hegemony to China. (Chapter of a book being written)
2021. Around 1980 China made the right choice of economic policy regime (developmentalism) and the US, the wrong choice. This is one of the reasons for the US losing gradually hegemony to China. (Chapter of a book being written)
2005. There is no financial order in the world. The the enormous US current account deficit in the US points out to a hard landing. Portuguese version available.(Texto para Discussão EESP 151)
2008. The failure of neo-liberal reforms in causing growth, the Irak war, and now the banking crisis mark the decline of the United States as hegemon and the end of the neo-liberal ideological wave. (Artiicle: Folha de S.Paulo)
2006. Today we have global disgovernance rather than disgovernance given the high and persistent current account deficits in the US economy. (Conjuntura Econômica)
2006. The current account defict of the United States never was so high and so persistent. Since adjustment have been posponed irresponsibly, a hard landing is inevitable. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2006. The United States is a 'contemporary empire' whose power derives rather from ideological hegemony than of military capability. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2005. There is a logic behind the American policy of pressing China for the devaluation of its currency and the opening of the capital account.(Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2005. Competion coming from developing countries constrains social policy in the rich ones, but this does not hinder that Europe, differently from the US, keeps its social capitalism.(article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2005. President Bush begins its second term in a more peaceful mood. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2004. Up to the 1960s, American democracy was an example, but institutional paralysis turned it into a backward democracy. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2003. The European model is more democratic and more just, and as efficient as the American one (Folha de S.Paulo)
2003. Violence and lack os hope in the United States viewed throug through two films: "Elephant" and "Mystic River". (Article: Folha de S.Paulo, Mais!)
2001. The fact that the US is a democracy does not authorize the present pessimism about world's prospects. (O Estado de S.Paulo, 25.9.01).
2001. After the September 11 terrorist act, United States may react as if the Cold War did not end intead of acting as an arbiter as it should. It will be a major mistake. (Folha de S.Paulo, 17.9.01).
2001. After the September 11 terrorist act, United States may react as if the Cold War did not end intead of acting as an arbiter as it should. It will be a major mistake.(In Portuguese, inFolha de S.Paulo, 17.9.01; in English, just here).
1991. A Europa e o Japão está basicamente fechados para o Brasil; não nos resta outra alternativa senão substituir a integração latino-americana pela estratégia e a retórica da integração americana.
1991. Brazil should consider President Bush's proposal of an American economic integraton. (Paper: Novos Estudos Cebrap).
1990. The debt crisis is without solution, and may require unilateral measures on the part of Latin American countries. The idea of free trading area in the Americas is welcomed.(Note in book edited by Baer & Petri)