2019. All industrial revolutions happened in the framework of a developmental state. We can distinguish in history four basic models of developmental state. English version available. (Papers)
2019. All industrial revolutions happened in the framework of a developmental state. We can distinguish in history four basic models of developmental state. English version available. (Papers)
2012. Enquanto mais de 80% da alta burocracia chinesa é formada de engenheiros, no Brasil não devem ser 10%. (Articles: La Onda digital)
2011. Las revoluciones son siempre realizadas por el pueblo, pero, muchas veces acaba, finalmente, derrotado. Sus esperanzas jamás se confirman. (La Onda digital).
2011. To avoid the possibility of an Islamic and, thus, nationalist dictatorship, they support a corrupt and dependent dictatorship. (Article La Onda digital)
2012. With Paulo Gala. A summary of the structuralist development macroeconomics: the theory that is behind new developmentalism, the national development strategy required for catching up. Portuguese version available. (Paper only in this website).
2010. The crisis as a whole shows a more general aspect: the governments of the States are more rational than the private agents and their enterprises. (La Onda digital)
2010. La decisión más importante de la diplomacia de Brasil fue rechazar el Alca sin entrar em conflicto com los EE.UU. (La Onda - digital)
2010. No hay razón para que el mundo vuelva a sumergirse en la crisis.(Article: La Onda)
2010. El mundo tiene problemas mucho más graves que la eventual entrada de Irán al club de las potencias nucleares.
2010. With José Luís Oreiro. Populist Keynesians are for chronic public deficits. Keynes only supported budget deficits in recession moments, and to finance investment, not current expenditures. (Article: La Onda digital).
2010. No 1º mandato, Lula logrou o apoio da massa popular que, desde Collor, votava no candidato de direita (La Onda digital).
2009. El Estado precisa, sin duda, de la crítica, pero no a expensas de desacreditar lo que se ha logrado. (La Onda)
2009. Brazil as all developing countries is subjected to the tendency to the overvaluation of the exchange rate. Since 1991 Brazil stop neutralizing this tendency, and was stage of substitution of foreign for domestic savings, balance of payment crises and low growth. (Paper: Economía UNAM, México, Vol. 6, No. 18). Portuguese version available.
2009. Neliberalism did not attack just the state but also markets, since they depend on state regulation. Neoclassical economics was the meta-ideology offering "scientific" support to neoliberalism. (Paper in Nueva Sociedad)
2009. El concepto geográfico de América, o de las tres Américas, es naturalmente verdadero, pero, más allá de esto, qué significa América?
2009. Brazil should propose an internationally limit to current account deficits and surpluses. (Entrevista de Chen Weihua e Edgardo Loguercio to Xinhuanet).
2008. With Paulo Gala. A formalization of the critique of the strategy of growth with foreign savings: the consequent exchange rate appreciation increases artificially wages and causes the substitution of domestic with foreign savings. Portuguese and English versions available. (Paper: Investigación Económica).
2007. This is a reduced version of a "Novo desenvolvimentismo e ortodoxia convencional". It compares three growth strategies: old or national-developmentalism, new developmentalism, and Washington,s conventional orthodoxy. Portuguese version available. (Paper: Nueva Sociedad)
2007. Large interview to José Natanson on new developmentalism, Brazil and Argentina. (Pagina 12).
2006. Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia, No. 36,
Portuguese version available.(Paper: International Public Management Review).
English version available (Paper: Revista de Administração Pública).