2017. An encompassing analysis of Brazil's society, economy, and politics since the Independence. A national-dependent interpretation. In the bookstores and in kindle
2017. An encompassing analysis of Brazil's society, economy, and politics since the Independence. A national-dependent interpretation. In the bookstores and in kindle
2020. A critique of "associated dependency theory" which had a strong influence on Brazilian intellectuals and led them ignore the importance of a national project. (Lecture at FAU/USP - Video, 70 minutos)
2021. An encompassing analysis of Brazil's society, economy, and politics since the Independence. A national-dependent interpretation. (Book: Editora 34, updated 4th edition, 2021). Nas livrarias e Em kindle.
2012. The Lula and Dilma (first two years) administrations and the attempt to make a political pact with industrial entrepreneurs and the workers. (Editora 34: 2014). São Paulo, 24 de maio de 2012.
2016. Long interview of Bresser-Pereira to Alvaro Comin e Paulo Todescan Mattos for Plural, journal from USP's graduate program in sociology.
2016. Bresser-Pereira é o entrevistado do programa Espaço Público, por Paulo Moreira Leite e Florestan Fernandes Jr.
2015. Brazil is a national-dependent society. The three cycles of its independent history were, successively, "State and Territorial Integration", "Nation and Development" and "Democracy and Social Justice". Portuguese version available. (Paper, Latin America Research Review)
2003. The patterns of economic development and the political pacts in Brazil from Vargas (1930) to Lula (2003). 5th revised edition almost doubling the size of the book. (Book: Editora 34). Nas livrarias.
1968. Economic, social and political development between 1930 and 1960s'. New historical facts turn inviable Vargas' national-developmentalist political pact. Sold out. (Book: This first edition is available in PDF format)
2015. A summary of A Construção Política do Brazil. The three state-society cycles in the history of Brazil since Independence. The recent class coalitions or political pacts. (Article: O Estado de S.Paulo, Aliás )
2015.. Bresser-Pereira speaks about his life, PSDB, PT, and Brazil, which lost the idea of nation. (interview to Leandro Fontoura, Zero Hora)
2014. A sociedade brasileira está dividida politicamente entre ricos e pobres. Falta à nação um projeto -- sobra o ódio, que eu nunca havia visto antes, e grande mal-estar. (Revista Interesse Nacional)
2013. O grave risco por que passa o Brasil não é a desordem, mas a desmoralização da política e dos políticos.
2013. With Eli Diniz. Brazilian industrialist ceased to be part of the dominant political coalition from the late 1980s to the the mid 2000s. Yet, since the Lula administration, the emergence of a new developmentalism, and the 2008 collapse of neoliberalism, they are again being heard in Brazil. Actualized version of a previous paper. Also available German version. (To be published in edited book)
2012. An overview o Brazil since the independence. An interpretation of Brazil considering the political pacts or class coalitions and the growth strategies. (Paper: Novos Estudos
2012. Brazil is a national-dependent society. The three cycles of its independent history were, successively, "State and Integration", "Nation and Development" and "Democracy and Social Justice". (Paper: Perspectivas) English version available.
2009. With Eli Diniz. Brazilian industrialist ceased to be part of the dominant political coalition in the late 1980s in the 2000s, as new developmentalism is being discussed, there are signals that they are coming back. (Paper in Novos Estudos Cebrap).
2009. Over-exploitation as well as associated dependency interpretations denied the possibility of national bourgeoisies in the region and contributed to weakening Latin American nations. Only a third version of dependency - the national-dependent interpretation - escaped this fate. Published in English in Latin American Perspectives 178, vol. 38 (3) May 2011Portuguese and French versions available. (Paper: Latin American Perspectives).
2010. Over-exploitation as well as associated dependency interpretations denied the possibity of national bourgeoisies in the region and contributed to weakening Latin American nations. Only a third version of dependency - the national-dependent interpretation - escaped this fate. English and French versions available. (Paper: Perspectivas).
2009. Over-exploitation as well as associated dependency interpretations denied the possibity of national bourgeoisies in the region and contributed to weakening Latin American nations. Only a third version of dependency - the national-dependent interpretation - escaped this fate. English and Portuguese versions available. (Paper: Revue Tiers Monde).