1992. Collected papers written between 1987 and 1991 analyzing the Brazilian foreign debt crisis, fiscal crisis of the state, and inflation. (Book: Editora Nobel). Esgotado. Available here in pdf.
1992. Collected papers written between 1987 and 1991 analyzing the Brazilian foreign debt crisis, fiscal crisis of the state, and inflation. (Book: Editora Nobel). Esgotado. Available here in pdf.
1991. Ortodoxy, economic popullsm and developmentalism in Latin America. The articles by Canitrot, O'Donnell, and Diaz-Alejandro are classical texts. PDF version now available. (Edited book)
1991. Collection of articles analysing the rights and wrongs that characterized the first two extraordinary years of the Collor administration. After that, a change of ministry inaugurated the rendition of Brazil to the Washington consensus. (Editora Nobel). Nas livrarias e em pdf.
1989. Interviews given by Bresser-Pereira while he was Finance Minister of Brazil, edited by Carlos Alberto Sardenberg. (Book: Editora Brasiliense). Disponível em pdf.
1986 - Book on the phases of capitalist development and the distribution of income using Marx's model of the falling tendency of the rate of profit. Atualized in the apendix with the paper, "Growth and distribution: a revised classical model". First edition, 1986; second edition, em Kindle e em pdf .
1985. Articles on the Brazilian economy and the foreign debt published in the newspapers between 1978 and 1985. (Book: Editora Gazeta Mercantil) Available in this website in pdf format.
1985. Collected papers on political pacts and the 1987-85 Brazilian transition to democracy. Complements the analysis originally made in O Colapso de uma Aliança de Classes. (Book: Editora Brasiliense). Sold out. Available in PDF.
1993. Articles published in the Brazilian media between March 1985 and March 1990. (Book) Available in PDF.
1984. With Yoshiaki Nakano. A book of essays on the theory of inertial inflation. English translation: The Theory of Inertial Inflation. (Complete book) Disponível em PDF.
1981. The rise of technobureaucracy or the professional middle class. In capitalism, sharing power with the bourgeoisie in Soviet Union and other comand economies, as the ruling class. Collected papers. (Book: Editora Brasiliense) Esgotado.
1972. Two essays on the 1960s' utopic revolutions: the 1968 student revolution, and the poltical revolution of the Catholic Church, particularly in Latin America. A third edition with a preface was published by Editora 34 in 2006. (Book: Editora Vozes). Esgotado.
1978. The beginning of the transition to democracy in Brazil: the Brazilian bourgeoisie reacts to the authoritarian "Pacote de Abril" of 1977 breaking down its 1964 alliance with the military. Esgotado nas livrarias. Complete book in PDF format in this site e na apple store
1977. An analysis of the modernizing, authoritarian and income concentrating character of the technobureaucratic-capitalist state, and of the respective model of development: "industrialized underdervelopment" (Book: Editora Brasiliense). Esgotado nas livrarias. Disponível in PDF format.
1974. The modernization and profissionalization of the business enterprises in Brazil. The social origins and the career of Paulista chief executives. Esgotado. Disponível em formato PDF.
1972/2006. Two essays on the 1960s' utopic revolutions: the 1968 student revolution, and the poltical revolution of the Catholic Church. Introduction to the third edition on "The counter-revolution of our time". (Book: Editora 34 3rd. edition of 1972 book) Nas livrarias.
1972. Three essays: the student revolution, the political revolution in the Catholic Church, particularly in Latin America, and the world emergence of the new professional middle class. (Book: Editora Vozes). Sold out. Book available in PDF format.
1964/1972 - PhD dissertation based on research that I made with Heinrich Rattner and Orlando Figueiredo, financed by the Núcleo de Pesquisas e Publicações (NPP) da EAESP/FGV, and published as the book Empresários e Administradores no Brasil, Editora Brasiliense, 1974. (PhD Dissertation presented for the title of Doctor in Economics, FEA/USP)
1968. With Laerte Leite Cordeiro e Ary Ribeiro de Carvalho. Reports survey on small and medium sized business enterprises. (Book: Getulio Vargas Foundation)