Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Revista de Administração de Empresas, da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, setembro 1966: 89-110.
Abstract. What distinguishes professional managers is not formal training but technical competence in managing complex organizations. They have a strategic and increasing role in the economy and also in politics. They are not entrepreneurs, but, as long as they are able to perform entrepreneurial activity, they have a major role in economic development. In Brazil they are having an increasing role. Recent survey demonstrated that 43% of the vice-presidents (diretores) of Paulista business enterprises were professional managers. The 1964 Revolution, originated from the middle class, increased such role, while imposed authoritarian rule. Yet, Brazil is already a capitalist society endowed of a large middle class. Thus, restoration of democracy will be inevitable. In order to resume growth Brazilian entrepreneurs, supported by professional managers, must develop an specific entrepreneurial and ideology - an strategy which is able to involve the middle class in a national development project that should also be socially progressive.