1993. The Plano Bresser was a 1987 atempt to stabilize prices in Brazil in an adverse environment. English version available. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política).
1993. The Plano Bresser was a 1987 atempt to stabilize prices in Brazil in an adverse environment. English version available. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política).
1993. The Bresser Plan - an atempt to stabilize prices in Brazil in an adverse environment. Portuguese version available. (Paper in book edited by John Williamson)
1993. A socio-economic and a political-economic vicious circle hinds Brazils development. The weak points which should be attacked are education and inertial inflation. (Note in Vellosos edited book [10 p])*
1992. With José Marcio Rego. Ignácio Rangel is an highly orginal anaylist of the Brazilian macroeconomy and of its development. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política)
1992. A slightly modified version of the Magna Class at the XVIII ANPEC’S Congress (National Association of Graduate Courses in Economics), Brasília, December 4, 1990.
1992. Revised version of the testimony to IUPERJ on the author's experience as Finance Minister in Brazil: the major crisis, the "Bresser Plan", and the negotiation of the foreign debt. Non revised version available in French. (In Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais")
1993. Economic heterodoxy should not be confused with economic populism. The Bresser-Plan was both heterodox and orthodox. (Conjuntura Econômica")
1992. An analysis of the disastrous IMF sponsored 1992 stabilisation plan with Marcilio Marques Moreira as finance minister. The alternative required policies. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política)*
1992. Collected papers written between 1987 and 1991 analyzing the Brazilian foreign debt crisis, fiscal crisis of the state, and inflation. (Book: Editora Nobel). Esgotado. Available here in pdf.
1992. The 1991 IMF sponsored stabilisation plan (the 11th plan since 1979) with Marcilio Marques Moreira as finance minister will fail because it ignores the inertial character of inflation in Brazil. The size of the fiscal and foreign debt and the lack of support of society for a severe adjustment are additional causes. (Paper in book edite by Reis Velloso)
1991. The Marcilio Plan being signed with IMF will fail because it ignores the inertial character of the Brazilian inflation. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
1991. Ortodoxy, economic popullsm and developmentalism in Latin America. The articles by Canitrot, O'Donnell, and Diaz-Alejandro are classical texts. PDF version now available. (Edited book)
1991. With Fernando Dall'Acqua. Contrarily to what economic populists say, Keynes only admited budget deficits in special situations, as a temporary depart from fiscal balance.
Portuguese version available.(Paper: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)
1991. An early critique of the Washington consensus. A systematic analysis of the Latin American crisis as a foreign debt and a fiscal crisis of the state crisis. Portuguese, English, and French versions available. (Paper: Pensamiento Iberamericano)
1991. An early critique of the Washington consensus. A systematic analysis of the Latin American crisis as a foreign debt and a fiscal crisis of the state crisis. Portuguese, English and Spanish versions available. (Paper: Problèmes dAmerique Latine).
1991. An early critique of the Washington consensus. A systematic analysis of the Latin American crisis as a foreign debt crisis and a fiscal crisis of the state. Portuguese, French, and Spanish versions available. (English version not published: just available in this site).
1991. There is a perverse logic in the Brazilian macroeconomic system involving foreign debt, fiscal deficit and inertial inflation. English version available. (Paper: Revista Brasileira de Economia)
1991. With Yoshiaki Nakano. This paper predicts the failure of the Collor Plan for failing to neutralize inertia, in a moment conventional orthodoxy was sure that it would be successful. English and Portuguese versions available. (Paper: Revue Tiers Monde)