2016. Just austerity proved not to be able to bring back private investment and growth. It is necessary to have as basic fiscal metric public savings, control current public expenditures, and increase public investment. (Op ed, Folha de S.Paulo)
2016. Just austerity proved not to be able to bring back private investment and growth. It is necessary to have as basic fiscal metric public savings, control current public expenditures, and increase public investment. (Op ed, Folha de S.Paulo)
2015. In order to re-industrialize Brazil requires a competitive exchange rate, a low level interest rate, and fiscal responsibility. In addition, industrial policy. (small article, Le Monde Diplomatique - Brasil)
2015. Brazil is a national-dependent society. The three cycles of its independent history were, successively, "State and Territorial Integration", "Nation and Development" and "Democracy and Social Justice". Portuguese version available. (Paper, Latin America Research Review)
2015. Entrevista sobre a recessão de 2015. Juros altos e câmbio apreciado. (Video para Dukascopy TV)
2003. The patterns of economic development and the political pacts in Brazil from Vargas (1930) to Lula (2003). 5th revised edition almost doubling the size of the book. (Book: Editora 34). Nas livrarias.
1968. Economic, social and political development between 1930 and 1960s'. New historical facts turn inviable Vargas' national-developmentalist political pact. Sold out. (Book: This first edition is available in PDF format)
2015. Texto para Discussão 399. The Brazilian economy is quasi stagnant from 1990, because since the 1980s it dos not have public savings to finance public investments, and because, since 1990, it is caught in a high interest rate-overvalued currency trap that makes the competent industrial firms not competitive and unable to invest. (Discussion paper). More actualized version available.
2015. The way out of the quasi-stagnation since the Real Plan is overcome the high interest rate - overvalued currency trap. (Interview to Jornal da Paraíba)
2015. A summary of A Construção Política do Brazil. The three state-society cycles in the history of Brazil since Independence. The recent class coalitions or political pacts. (Article: O Estado de S.Paulo, Aliás )
2015. Since 2003 a developmental government tried change the perverse liberal tripod, but eventually failed, as it was victim of exchange rate and fiscal populism, while the international situation deteriorated. (Paper in edited book)
2015.. Bresser-Pereira speaks about his life, PSDB, PT, and Brazil, which lost the idea of nation. (interview to Leandro Fontoura, Zero Hora)
2015. An long-term appreciated exchange rate represents a major competitive disadvantage. (Short interview to O Estado de S.Paulo)
2015. No início de 2015 o Brasil viu-se diante de três problemas que se somavam de forma interdependente: a recessão, a crise fiscal e a grave crise política. (Nueva Sociedad)
2015. Embora poucos se deem conta disto, a economia brasileira está semiestagnada há muito tempo. (Article: Valor).
2015. Brazil needs a social class coalition which have as economic priority an exchange rate floating around the "industrial" or competitive equilibrium. This is the only way to stop deindustrialization. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2015. From the Real Plan the Brazilian economy is caught in a trap of high interests rates and overvalued currency, but the fiscal and especially the exchange rate populism on the right and on the left impede the solution of the problem. (Lecture)
2014. Liberals as well as vulgar Keynesians show a preference for immediate consumption associated with an overvalued currency. (Paper: Crítica e Sociedade)
2014. With Eliane Araújo e Paulo Gala. Econometric comprovation of a high rate of substituition of foreign for domestic savings. (Paper: Revista EconomiA) Portuguese version available.
2013. Prefácio do livro organizado por André Felipe Zago de Azevedo, Carmem Feijó e Daniel Arruda Coronel.
2013. Bresser-Pereira estima que o dólar estaria no "lugar certo" a R$3,00 (Entrevista a Roberto Müller, Liliana Lavoratti e Fernanda Bompan).