• 03-2018-capa-em-busca-de-desenvolvimento-perdido
  • 11-1992-capa-a-crise-do-estado
  • 09-1993-capa-economic-reforms-in-new-democracies
  • 10-1999-capa-reforma-del-estado-para-la-ciudadania
  • 05-2010-capa-globalization-and-competition
  • 01-2021
  • 13-1988-capa-lucro-acumulacao-e-crise-2a-edicao
  • 17-2004-capa-em-busca-do-novo
  • 06-2009-capa-construindo-o-estado-republicano
  • 05-2009-capa-mondialisation-et-competition
  • 04-2016-capa-macroeconomia-desenvolvimentista
  • 05-2009-capa-globalizacao-e-competicao
  • 02-2021-capa-a-construcao-politica-e-economica-do-brasil
  • 12-1982-capa-a-sociedade-estatal-e-a-tecnoburocracia
  • 09-1993-capa-reformas-economicas-em-democracias-novas
  • capa-novo-desenvolvimentismo-duplicada-e-sombreada
  • 2006-capa-as-revolucoes-utopicas-dos-anos-60
  • 07-2004-capa-democracy-and-public-management-reform
  • 2014-capa-developmental-macroeconomics-new-developmentalism
  • 10-1998-capa-reforma-do-estado-para-a-cidadania
  • 08-1984-capa-desenvolvimento-e-crise-no-brasil-1930-1983
  • 01-2021-capa-new-developmentalism
  • 05-2010-capa-globalixacion-y-competencia
  • 15-1968-capa-desenvolvimento-e-crise-no-brasil-1930-1967
  • 16-2015-capa-a-teoria-economica-na-obra-de-bresser-pereira-3
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1987. Paper written a four months after the Cruzado Plan was lauched to control inertial inflation. The two main dangers the plan was facing were relative prices desiquilibria left by the plan and an increasing budget deficit. Portuguese version available.(Paper: World Development)

1986. Paper written a four months after the Cruzado Plan was lauched to control inertial inflation. The two main dangers the plan was facing were relative prices desiquilibria left by the plan and an increasing budget deficit. (Paper in book edited by José Marcio Rego)

1986. Conferência pronunciada no Seminário "Efeitos do plano de estabilização econômica do governo sobre o ensino e a prática da administração".

1985. With Fernando Dall'Acqua. A price freeze (without the neutralization of inertia) will unbalance relative prices; after some time, inflation will be back. (Note: Carta de Conjuntura).

1981 This paper explains stagflation with the administrative or cost theory of inflation emphasizing money endogeneity. This paper contains my first vision of inertial inflation: in one of the sessions I explain high inflation by the fact that firms A, B, and C index their princes increasing them according to the going rate of inflation in a staggered way. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política) *

1980. Brazilian inflation is consequence of distributive conflict involving the transference of income from the poor to the rich. Monopolist and monopsonist power facilitates such transference. (Paper: Encontros com a Civilização Brasileira)

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