2015. Brazil needs a social class coalition which have as economic priority an exchange rate floating around the "industrial" or competitive equilibrium. This is the only way to stop deindustrialization. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2015. Brazil needs a social class coalition which have as economic priority an exchange rate floating around the "industrial" or competitive equilibrium. This is the only way to stop deindustrialization. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2015. From the Real Plan the Brazilian economy is caught in a trap of high interests rates and overvalued currency, but the fiscal and especially the exchange rate populism on the right and on the left impede the solution of the problem. (Lecture)
2015. The Brazilian economy is quasi-stagnant since 1990 trade-liberalization, when trade liberalization dismantled the mechanism that neutralized the Dutch disease and the ensuing competitive disadvantage started up deindustrialization. Updated English version available. (Paper in book edited by Nelson Barbosa et al.)
2014, with Pedro Rossi. The euro crisis is a internal exchange rate crisis; austerity is a costly and inhuman policy of internal depreciation. (paper, in the Journal of Post Keynesian Economiscs)
2014. With Eliane Araújo and Paulo Gala. (Paper). Econometric comprovation of a high rate of substituition of foreign for domestic savings. (Paper in EconomiA, da ANPEC). English version available.
2014. With Eliane Araújo e Paulo Gala. Econometric comprovation of a high rate of substituition of foreign for domestic savings. (Paper: Revista EconomiA) Portuguese version available.
2014. . O governo da presidente Dilma ficou longe da taxa de câmbio que torna competitivas as boas empresas. (Articles: Valor)
2013. A sobreapreciação cambial desestimula os investimentos e desindustrializa gradualmente o país.
2012, with Daniela Theuer. After the faillure of neoliberal reforms the developmental state is again being built in Latin America. Yet the task is extremely.difficult, particularly in the poorer countries. (Paper: Economia e Sociedade) English and improved version available. Published also in French.
2012, com Daniela Theuer. After the failure of neoliberal reforms the developmental state is again being built in Latin America. Yet the task is extremely.difficult, particularly in the poorer countries. (Paper: Recherches Internationales). English and improved version available.
2012. An overview o Brazil since the independence. An interpretation of Brazil considering the political pacts or class coalitions and the growth strategies. (Paper: Novos Estudos
2012. Bresser-Pereira recorda que, no Brasil, o nacional-desenvolvimentismo foi a estratégia dominante entre 1930 e 1980, e teve êxito em promover a industrialização ou, mais amplamente, a revolução capitalista do país (Entrevista de Graziela Wolfart).
2012. Brazil is a national-dependent society. The three cycles of its independent history were, successively, "State and Integration", "Nation and Development" and "Democracy and Social Justice". (Paper: Perspectivas) English version available.
2011. Development economics disciplines should include the main models that form the new structuralist development macroeconomics. A summary of such models. (Conference: slide presentation)
2011. Sovereign countries should not borrow in foreign money (Conference, Buenos Aires: slide presentation).
2010. The 2008 financial crisis signaled the end of 30 Neoliberal Years of Capitalism. It was caused by the deregulation promoted by the neoliberal ideology justified "scientifically" by neoclassical economics. Paper (Revue de la Régulation).
2011. New developmentalism is a national development strategy that implies fiscal and exchange rate responsibility. Brazil lacks the latter. (Interesse Nacional).
2010. O Brasil sofre de doença holandesa, que provoca a desindustrialização da economia. Nosso desafio é neutralizar a sobreapreciação do câmbio (Entrevista a Raquel Landim).
2010. What is new developmentalism? And structuralist development macroeconomics? To which extent is Brazil adopting it? Short answers to these three questions. (Article: Nueva Sociedad)).
2010. The 2008 financial crisis was caused by the deregulation promoted by neoliberal and financialized capitalism with the support of neoclassical economics. (Paper: Novos Estudos Cebrap).