2011. Seminário "A economia brasileira: Oportunidades e desafios". (Slide presentation).
2011. Seminário "A economia brasileira: Oportunidades e desafios". (Slide presentation).
2011. Middle income countries are catching up. This Great Convergence represents a challenge to rich countries. (Conférence à l'Université de Clermont Ferrand)
2010. (Conferencia no IV Congreso Internacional de Economía y Gestión "ECON 2010" - Slide presentation)
2010. Conference in the Coimbra Conference 2010, "The Revival of Political Economy". (Slide presentation)
2010 (Lecture in the Department of Social and Political Sciences European University Institute - Florence. Slide presentation)
2010 (Conference in the Annual Monetary and Banking Conference of the Central Bank of Argentina. Slide presentation).
2010. Presentation at the 7th Forum of Economics - EESP/FGV. Slide presentation)
2010. (Intervenção em mesa redonda, congresso ABCP. Slide presentation).
2010. (Aula Inaugural do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Pública, EAESP/FGV. Slide presentation).
2010. The concept and the changing role of the state in rich countries and in Latin America ( "VI Jornadas Internacionales de Estado y Sociedad", Buenos Aires).
2010. Neoliberalism proved disastrous to developing and rich countries. In the former a new national development strategy, new developmentalism, is emerging based on the experience of dynamic Asian countries. (Lecture in Colégio Santa Cruz. Slide presentation).
2010. Apresentação no Conselho Superior de Economia da FIESP. (Slide presentation)
2010. Depoimento para a Comissão de Finanças e Tributação da Câmara dos Deputados. (Slide presentation)
2010 (Conference Levy Institute. Slide presentation)
2010. Apresentação no Seminário "O Público não-estatal e as universidades comunitárias". (Slide presentation).
2009. Presentation at the EAEPE 2009 Conference "Institutional Solutions for Economic Recovery", Amsterdam. Slide presentation).
2009. (Presentation in conference organized _x000b_by Robert Boyer and Carlos Quenam, in Buenos Aries. Slide presentation).
2009 (Slide presentation).
2009 (Conférence dans séminaire organisé par le Laboratoire de Recherches sur l'Industrie et l'Innovation de l'Université du Littoral Côte d'Oppale, Paris. Slide presentation)
2006. Intervention dans séminaire.