Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
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Economic development can be understood only as the process of capital accumulation embodying technological progress that increases the standards of living, whereas development or progress, as the achieving of five political objectives: security, individual liberty, economic well-being, social justice, and protection of the environment. Economic development as well as nations, the modern state, and the nation-states are outcomes of the capitalist revolution in each country. According to this approach we should distinguish the three types of countries that already realized their capitalist revolution: countries of original development, of backward national development and of backward national-dependent development. The weaker and less developed countries must confront the imperialism of the more powerful, an imperialism that today is expressed in the occupation of the domestic markets of developing countries by multinational enterprises and their weakening through foreign indebtedness, and, ideologically, by persuading its relatively dependent elites of the superiority of the liberal orthodoxy in relation to developmentalism.