2009. Why some middle income countries catch up while others do not. Behind new developmentalism this book drafts a structuralist development macroeconomics in which the exchange rate plays a strategic role. (Book: Elsevier).Disponível nas livrarias
2009. Why some middle income countries catch up while others do not. Behind new developmentalism this book drafts a structuralist development macroeconomics in which the exchange rate plays a strategic role. (Book: Elsevier).Disponível nas livrarias
2009. América Latina se ha caracterizado en esta década por un viraje espectacular que la ha trasformado de territorio privilegiado de políticas neoliberales en el eslabón más frágil de la cadena neoliberal (Emir Sader).
2009. Neliberalism did not attack just the state but also markets, since they depend on state regulation. Neoclassical economics was the meta-ideology offering "scientific" support to neoliberalism. (Essay: Estudos Avançados).
2009. Neliberalism did not attack just the state but also markets, since they depend on state regulation. Neoclassical economics was the meta-ideology offering "scientific" support to neoliberalism. (Paper in Nueva Sociedad)
2009. Texto para Discussão.
2009. A escala da crise financeira global demanda que reavaliemos a política econômica e a filosofia que nos trouxe até esse ponto. (Kevin Rudd).
2009. O Fórum Social Mundial tem uma tarefa urgente e crucial: procurar uma resposta na social democracia para a crise global do capitalismo agora em curso e incentivar um controle democrático do Estado e da economia, ao redor do mundo. (Entrevista de Walden Bello para Alejandro Kirk).
2008. The present global economic crisis happens in a finance based and knowledge capitalism where bright private technobureaucrats formed in the best MBAs enriched. (Umbrales de América del Sur). Versão disponível em Português
2008. Globalization is a major opportunity for ctching-up. Yet, Latin American countries are loosing this opportunity as they lack a national development stragegy.(Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2008. In globalization, although nation-states are more interdependent, they are also more strategic. A econometric study confirms that. (Paper published in the Brazilian Journal of Political Economy)
2007. Paper comparing three growth strategies: old or national-developmentalism, new developmentalism, and Washington conventional orthodoxy - actually a form of neutralizing the catching up of medium income countries. English, Spanish, and Portuguese versions available. (Paper: Passages de Paris).
2007. In globalization, although nation-states are more interdependent, they are also more strategic. A econometric study confirms that. In 2008 the English version of this paper was published in the Brazilian Journal of Political Economy. (Discussion Paper)
2007. Paper comparing three growth strategies: old or national-developmentalism, new developmentalism, and Washington's conventional orthodoxy - actually a form of neutralizing the catching up of medium income countries. Updated and improved version of "Novo desenvolvimentismo e ortodoxia convencional". (Paper in book edited by Bresser-Pereira)
2006 (Texto para Discussão)
2006. Paper comparing three growth strategies old or national-developmentalism, new developmentalism, and Washingtons conventional orthodoxy - actually a form of neutralizing the catching up of medium income countries. An improved version available with the title "Macroeconomics of stagnation and new developmentalism".(Paper Economie Appliquée).
2004. With Carmen Varela. Latin Americas quasi-stagnation in the 1990s can be explained principally by the growth cum foreign savings strategy. (Paper: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)
2003. The US is deafeting Iraq, but in waging this war the US is a giant out of time. Today there is no room for imperial and unilateral actions (Paper: Política Externa). *
2003. After the end of the Cold War balance of powers diplomacy is over. Now major nations are not enemies but competitors in a global system which is being institutionalized. Translation of "After Balance of Powers Diplomacy, Globalization's Politics" (Paper: Novos Estudos CEBRAP)*.
2002. After the end of the Cold War balance of powers diplomacy is over. Major nations are now not enemies but competitors in a global system which is being institutionalized. Portuguese version available. (Paper: In Eric Hershberg's edited book)*.