Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
In Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira Tecnoburocracia e Contestação. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 1972. Também publicado em Bresser-Pereira As Revoluções Utópicas. Escrito entre fevereiro e agosto de 1968.
The student revolution, not the workers' revolution, will transform the capitalist society. It is a middle class revolution reflecting the relative autonomy of intellectuals. This utopian revolution originates in new historical facts: the revolution in modern education that broke up with patriarcal views, the massisse increase of middle class students, in a society increasingly technified. bre revolution s inner insatifactions, and the relative autonomy of the middle class. I wrote this essay between February and August 1968, precisely in the moment that the revolution was taking place.