We could relocalise and protect industries, pay workers more and use state aid. All this is possible if we ignore everything we've been told for 40 years.
'Industry is finished, services are in.'
We could relocalise and protect industries, pay workers more and use state aid. All this is possible if we ignore everything we've been told for 40 years.
'Industry is finished, services are in.'
Brad DeLong (2019) Business cycles can end with a rolling readjustment in which asset values are marked back down to reflect underlying fundamentals, or they can end in depression and mass unemployment. There is never any good reason why the second option should prevail.
Mariana Mazzucato (2019) By exploiting technologies that were originally developed by the public sector, digital platform companies have acquired a market position that allows them to extract massive rents from consumers and workers alike. Reforming the digital economy so that it serves collective ends is thus the defining economic challenge of our time.
Marina Silva (2019) calls for a renewed collective effort to prevent environmental crime from destroying the Brazilian rainforest.
Arvind Subramanian and Dani Rodrik (2019) Although most of the intellectual consensus behind neoliberalism has collapsed, the idea that emerging markets should throw their borders open to foreign financial flows is still taken for granted in policymaking circles. Until that changes, the developing world will suffer from unnecessary volatility, periodic crises, and lost dynamism.
Dani Rodrik (2019) points out that as much as three-quarters of the global income gap reflects disparities within countries.
Raghuram Raja (2019) In 2010, Raghuram Rajan explained how US public policies both created the 2008 financial crisis and fell short of responding to it.
Simon Johnson (2019) The 2008 financial crisis, together with failed efforts to combat climate change and sharply rising inequality, has frayed the neoliberal consensus that has prevailed in the United States and much of the West for more than two generations. Three issues must be considered in weighing what comes next.
Érica Gorga (2019) Acordo de leniência firmado com a Braskem causou à Petrobras prejuízo bem superior ao benefício alardeado.
Oded Grajew (2019) Avanços nos países nórdicos partiram de consensos.
Tatiana Prazeres (2019) Desengajamento americano gera déficit de liderança que não escapa ao país asiático.
Armínio Fraga (2019) Combater a desigualdade para crescer mais,
Antonio Prata (2019) Ativismo é coisa de ecochato, de bicha louca, de feminazi, de Black Power.
Drauzio Varella (2019) Indústria do fumo desenvolveu uma estratégia demoníaca.
Fernando Schüler (2019) Debate sobre 'blackface' do primeiro-ministro canadense explicita ausência de diálogo.
Sergei Soares, Pedro de Souza e outros (2019) Programa seria mais justo e bem focalizado do que o sistema atual.
Gillian Tett (2019) Consultorias preveem que prejuízos provocados por enchentes vão triplicar nos próximos 20 anos.
Simon Super (2019) Em "Capital e Ideologia", recém-lançado na França, o economista francês Thomas Piketty ataca as justificativas de desigualdade e defende medidas mais agressivas de distribuição de renda.
Rana Foroohar (2019) Os investidores de fora dos EUA, como os fundos de pensão europeus e japoneses, e grandes instituições financeiras seriam duramente atingidos pela depreciação dos ativos em dólar.
Edward Luce (2019) Senadora Elizabeth Warren disputa com o ex-vice-presidente Joe Biden a candidatura democrata à Presidência. Pesquisas já mostram que ela está avançando. E não há como Biden sair politicamente ileso desse processo.