Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Política Externa, 14(3) 2005: 71-83. Artigo escrito com base no key-note speech em seminário organizado pela seção brasileira – em processo de instalação – do Clube de Roma, “Globalizando a democracia - buscando a democracia para todos”. São Paulo, Fiesp, 29.8.2005.
One of the major challenges that society faces today are the threat of transmissible diseases and terrorism. Rich countries are not to contributing to the solution of both problems because their policy recommendation and pressures rather weaken than strengthen developing countries states. Yet, only strong and autonomous nation-states will be able to fight poverty and disease, and to avoid terrorism. Rich and middle income countries should help poor countries, but without conditionalities, except corruption avoiding conditionalities, but, if this is not possible, they should at least stop to interfere so strongly as they do.