2019. This is the best summary of the economics and political economy of New Developmentalism. (Cambridge Journal of Economics)
2019. This is the best summary of the economics and political economy of New Developmentalism. (Cambridge Journal of Economics)
2019. All industrial revolutions happened in the framework of a developmental state. We can distinguish in history four basic models of developmental state.
This note defines the competitive exchange rate and summarizes the new-developmental theory explaining why the exchange rate is determinant of investment and growth.. English version available, November 2019.
This note defines the competitive exchange rate and summarizes the new-developmental theory explaining why the exchange rate is determinant of investment and growth.. Written to be published in my website. EAESP / FGV, November 2019. Portuguese version available.
2019. Fifteen principles that summarized New Developmentalism. A collective document which counted with the collaboration of several economists and political scientists.
(2019) A simple way of neutralizing the Dutch disease in relation to the domestic market is to set a variable import tariff on manufactured goods. Variable according to the price os the commodities that originate the disease. (Op-column in Valor)
2019. Sumary of New Developmentalism's development macroeconomics (a work in progress) as it standed in the end of 2018. (paper in edited book)
2019. An introduction to New-Developmental Theory or New Developmentalism. How it was born from Classical Developmentalism or Development Macroeconomics and Post-Keynesian Economics. (Paper in BJPE)
2019. An introduction to New-Developmental Theory or New Developmentalism. How it was born from Classical Developmentalism or Development Macroeconomics and Post-Keynesian Economics. (Paper in BJPE)
2019. Economic growth involves increase of real wages. Which are not detemined by the subsistence level of the workers but from their cost of reproduction that increase with the value-added per capita, while the profit rate remains satisfying - enough to lead companies to invest. Paper (Nova Economia)
2019. The Capitalist Revolution envelops the Commercial Revolution, the formation of the nation-states, and the industrial revolution. England was the first nation to "complete" it. After each country makes the Capitalist Revolution, economic development begins and turns self-sustained. (paper)
2018 (Entrevista de Isaías Albertin de Moraes e Hugo Carcanholo Iasco Pereira)
2018. New developmentalism was born from classical developmentalism and post-Keynesian macroeconomics. This paper tels this history. Is a good introduction do new developmentalism. (Paper)
2018. Rentiers, the inheritors of the entrepreneurs, and financiers, a special type of technobureaucrats, are the fuling classes in contemporary capitalism; neoliberalism is their ideology. The financiers manage the wealth of the idle rentiers and act as organic intellectuals of this very narrow class coalition. (Discussion Paper)
José Luis Oreiro, Flavio Basilio e Gustavo Souza (2014)
2018. A synthesis of New Developmentalism in a few pages. (Cap.3 Em Busca do Desenvolvimento Perdido)
2017. A short (4.000 words) summary of new developmentalism - a new theoretical framework for allow middle-income countries to grow again. (DOC Research Institute website) (Available in Portuguese)
2017. Liberal economists don't discuss the exchange rate, because its devaluation hurts rentiers and financiers that they represent. (Valor).
2017. The great majority of liberal economists mean no harm by promoting fiscal adjustment alone.
2017. With André Nassif and Carmem Feijó. A discussion on the connection between the macroeconomic regime and industrial policy, both oriented to reindustrialisation and catching up. (Paper for the Cambridge Journal of Economics)