2017. With André Nassif and Carmem Feijó. A discussion on the connection between the macroeconomic regime and industrial policy, both oriented to reindustrialisation and catching up. (Paper for the Cambridge Journal of Economics)
2017. With André Nassif and Carmem Feijó. A discussion on the connection between the macroeconomic regime and industrial policy, both oriented to reindustrialisation and catching up. (Paper for the Cambridge Journal of Economics)
2017. A short (4.000 words) summary of new developmentalism - a new theoretical framework to allow middle-income countries to grow again. Ilustríssima, Folha) (Available in English)
2017 - Since 1990, the Brazilian economy is quasi-stagnant under a liberal economic policy regime. Rentier-financier liberalism is incompatible with growth, because it keeps interest rates very high and the exchange rate overvalued in the long-term. (Paper: Estudos Avançados).
2017. The Dutch disease is an economic problem that a simple economic policy may resolve, while the natural resource curse is a political-cultural problem very difficult to resolve. Paper presented in St. Petersburg.
2017. Em países em desenvolvimento a sofisticação produtiva e o aumento da produtividade podem ser melhor explicados pela transferência de trabalhadores e técnicos para os setores mais sofisticados, do que pelos rendimentos crescentes, que são mais relevantes para os países ricos.
2014. Countries turn consolidated democracies after their industrial revolution which they made in authoritarian regimes. Today, pre-industrial countries are supposed to be democratic before their industrial revolutions. (EESP/FGV discussion paper 367)
2016. National solidarity, first, and social-democracy, later on, have mitigated Capitalist exploitation. The demise of these two institutions led global capitalism to the present political crisis. (essay)
2016. As a theoretical system, new developmentalism originates from classical developmentalism (development economics) and from post-Keynesian macroeconomics. It contains a macroeconomics, a beginning of a microeconomics, and a political economy. (Paper in Cadernos do Desenvolvimento.)
2016. Paper with Thiago de Moraes Moreira. Current account deficits, even when financed by direct investments, hinder instead of enhance growth because the cause overvaluation of the national currency. (Paper in edited book to be published)
2016. Classic Developmentalism and New Developmentalism are theoretical frameworks. Don't mix them with really existing developmentalisms, as national-developmentalism and social developmentalism. English version available(Paper, Revista de Economia Política)
2015. New Developmentalism is a theory that was preceded by Classical Developmentalism. It focuses on the equilibrium of five macroeconomic prices, and of the two macro accounts, particularly the current or external account.
2016. The is my best presentation summarizing new developmentalism and its developmental macroeconomics. (Slides in the 1st International Worskhop on New Developmentalism)
A slide presentation. To the moment, it is my best summary of Developmental Macroeconomics. (Special session in the Bilbao Post-Keynesian Conference, June 2016)
2015. With Fernando Rugitsky. Classical Developmentalism (Prebisch et al.) was skeptical in relation to exchange rate policy, preferring industrial policy on the form of high import taxes, while for New Developmentalism the neutralization of the tendency to the cyclical and chronic overvaluation of the exchange rate is the key policy to be adopted. (Paper Cambridge Journal of Economics)
2016. Long interview of Bresser-Pereira to Alvaro Comin e Paulo Todescan Mattos for Plural, journal from USP's graduate program in sociology.
2016. All industrial revolutions happened in the framework of a developmental state. We can distinguish in history four basic models of developmental state. (Paper to be published - TD-412). English version available.
2017. First version of the paper "New Developmentalism: a development macroeconomics published in the Cambridge Journal of Economics in 2020. (Paper)
2016. Avec Eric Berr. A brief article relating New Developmentalism and economic growth. In French, in edited book.
2016. Eight hours course in the 6th LAPORDE - Latin American Advanced Programme of Rethinking Macro and Development Economics (slide presentation).
2014. With Nelson Marconi and José Luís Oreiro. Developmental Macroeconomics is a book on development macroeconomics associated with New Developmentalism. In its core are the exchange rate and the current account, instead of the budget deficit and the interest rate. (Book: Routledge) Nas livrarias e em Kindle